Sunday, February 20

I want to knit a baby blanket. And I want to knit two sweaters. And I want to knit a lace shawl. And I want to knit something for my mother. And I want to work on my quilt.

But instead, I am working on Lion in Winter. Which has not been half bad. Although I am losing my voice and losing my sleep.

Someday, perhaps this summer, I will knit and quilt to my heart's content. And do a puzzle.

Wednesday, December 30

Bob Curnow's L.A. Big Band "The Music of Pat Metheny and Lyle Mays"

I super heart this album and recommend it to anyone. Especial love for "If I Could."

MU link: hxxp://

Monday, September 14

Music Post!

Lily Allen's "It's Not Me, It's You"

Pop-y. I really like the song 'Fuck You.' Clever lyrics.

MU link: hxxp:// (xx -> tt)

Friday, July 17

Queer as Folk.


Thursday, April 30


It's been awhile. I know.

Monday, January 19

Amelia Rose...

sometimes narrates her life in Fb status updates.

finds this mildly disturbing.

thinks her pups will murder her in her sleep.

wonders how many times she can say 'her' in one status.

wishes they would just go outside.

has been relaxing with The Glorious Eggplant Sock of Relaxation.

missed her mum.

got internet today!! The really extra super fast Bresnen variety.

also got special cable today with Showtime and DEXTER on Demand. Go life!

is creeped out that Dexter married Deb in real life.

shouldn't be too terrible creeped out because of her shipping of Sam and Dean but really. Totally different.

is looking forward to orchestra but not really school.

also looks forward to actually seeing last week's episode of SamandDean.

loves her friends.

has a crush on the lead in her play. Ahhhh talent!

is looking forward to being old enough to actually date boys in whom she is interested.

enjoys good grammar. No, not well grammar.

is awaiting her mother.

has a weakness for yarn, books, and music.

is slightly (madly) in love with Jason Robert Brown.

also is dumbfoundadly in love with Neil Gaiman.

is going to add a photo of a pretty.


is leaving now.
The beautiful thing about having a blog that nobody reads, is that I can write whatever the bloody fuck I want. It's more of a personal journal. For example, this morning, I might personally detail the precise way in which I intend to murder and mutilate my dogs. I sound like a serial killer...Dexter mmm. Well, I'm not really going to hurt them. I just would PREFER to not be kept up until three in the morning from your fucking whines and then to be woken up at fucking nine am! Fuckers. I am very not happy and very very fucking tired and have NO intention of having pets at any point in the near future. Want sleep.